Our Governance In Numbers

100 %

Participation in Anti Bribery and Corruption Training


Board Sub Committees


Publicly Available Policy Documents

Our Governance Principles

Across Puma Energy, our governance principles guide our good action

1 Effectiveness


Having the appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of the Company and industry to discharge duties and responsibilities effectively.

Puma Employees talking

Our Governance Structure

At the core of our strong governance structure we have our Board of Directors which brings together diverse energy industry professionals from around the world; our highly experienced and motivated Executive Committee (Excom) setting the strategy and leading the transformation of Puma Energy; and four committees focused on key areas at the heart of good governance: Finance Audit & Risk; Ethics & Compliance; and ESG which all report to the Board and the Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) Committee which reports to Excom.

Committee Structure

Our Core Values

United by our culture and values

Work Hard

We are thorough and always do our very best. We persevere to find solutions and strive to succeed.


Work Together

We work as a team and recognise each other’s strengths.



We take personal responsibility for our actions and honour our commitments.



We are honest, respectful and responsible, and we build relationships based on trust.

Diverse Energy Industry Professionals

Meet the Leadership Team

We are led by highly experienced leadership team
Hadi Hallouche
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Hadi Hallouche

Chief Executive of Puma Energy
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Pierre Lorinet

Rene Medori
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René Médori

Non-Executive Chairman
Patrick Burke
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Patrick Burke

Board Director
Jamie Torrance
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Jamie Torrance

Board Director